BookDB2 questions & answers

BookDB registers book data in a 2,000 million capacity database
Usha Kumari
Answer by Usha Kumari

The error code "type 5" typically indicates an access violation error. It means that the program is trying to access a memory location that it does not have permission to access. This could be due to various reasons, such as compatibility issues with the operating system or insufficient privileges.

Question by Roberto
September 21, 2021

I have installed your program Bookdb2 ( vers.2.2.40) on win 10 (vers.20H2), all works fine except the backups: the software does NOT save the volumes, the authors, anything, and it does not even backup. Can you tell me a way to make a backup copy of the data entered?

Question by Guest
July 26, 2013

I have several hundred books in my BookDB2 private (home) collection, shelved in 7 book cases, each with 5 or 7 shelves.

I have found in Book DB2 a reference to "Location 1 - location 30", but I cannot discover anything else about this function. As I cannot find any reference to it in the English online manual, I am at a loss how to proceed further.

My problem is that I need more than 30 (at least 35) locations. My present manual book location code consists of 3 characters:

Char.1: bookcase (1-7)
Char.2: shelf within bookcase (5-7 shelves per bookcase)

In addition, independent of the bookcase+shelf ID there is a third character in the code:

Char.3: Book Special Classification Identifier (this is an ad hoc ID value e.g. D=book for disposal, S=book for sale, R=book ready to be cataloged; another value for this special char.3 is a single letter to identify a large number of specialized books (a whole private library) of very many different content categories that I have inherited from a deceased friend and wish to be able to identify as such in the DB at any time, irrespective of where they are located. The latter may change over time, for instance if I re-categorize the book; but for the inherited books, the char. 3 will remain constant. This will enable the inherited books to be passed on as a complete collection when I am no longer around. For my remaining books this char. 3 remains blank.

I need to see this code in the online 'Book' listing, but the 'Location', even if it were usable for my problem, is not displayed there. For me to find the book on a shelf, this value is more important than, say, the ISBN.

Can I use 'Location' to solve this problem? If so, how? And if not, what do you suggest?

Thank you for any help that you can offer.

Answer by Alex Urbach

I think that you've misunderstood the meaning of the location feature because you are trying to use Location per books when it's used and designed for copies only. This function allows you to have multiple copies in different locations. Locations cannot be modified or changed above number 30 which is the limit you can use. I believe that the only method remains ISBN look-up as it's more accurate then the locations in shelves. When ISBN lookup is used, it will display all the entries in its possible locations.

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